Doing our bit to curb the spread of COVID19, we would like to introduce The Nunabean Essential T-Mask. Comfortable, like a T-shirt. Extra soft, easily washable and reusable. Using locally grown & manufactured 100% cotton material (a biodegradable natural fibre). The Nunabean T-Mask is 100% Made in Cape Town, South Africa.
The mask is packaged in a recyable/biodegradable bag, perfect for the
eco-conscious kids and adults.
A double layered, single jersey (weft knit) cloth face-mask. The central pocket opens to easily insert an extra 4th layer. This however is unnecessary, as the purposeful overlapping of fabric in the centre naturally creates the government required "3 layers" over the mouth and nose area. The adjustable ear-straps and a space for a bendable nose piece* closes "the gaps" and allows The Nunabean T-Mask to fit comfortably around different shaped faces. The T-Mask can be easily removed and attached to the face using the adjustable ear straps which are also made from the same soft cotton material, so as not to cut into the ears like normal elastic does.
Material: 100% Cotton
Small (suggest approx 4-8 years): H105mmx W145mm
Medium: H125mmx W170mm
Large: H155mmx W205mm
Please allow for 5% shrinkage after first wash.
Colours: Rustybug Blue, Maroon, Navy, Grey, Black
Xtra optional: Bendable A foil (R10 per unit) can be supplied with each T-mask purchase (choose the Colour "with nosepiece"). Or you can or choose from the main menu to add extra nosepieces to your cart.
Or make your own...See images on how to insert and make your own bendable nosepiece.
Care and cleaning Instructions:
1. Although every care is taken during the manufacture and packing process we strongly recommend you wash your Nunabean T-Mask before wearing for the first time.
2. Depending on the frequency of use, the T-Mask should be routinely washed. Soap, hot water and rinsing (or adding to the wash machine) should suffice in properly washing a cloth face covering. The new fabric normally gives off a bit of colour, normal cotton wash cycles are not as hot as tap water. Alternately you can also place the T-Mask in a suitable container and pour boiling water over it. Let it stand for at least 10 minutes. Once dry, steam iron to extra sterilise.
3. Individuals should ALWAYS wash or sanitise hands before touching mask and immediately after removing, and be careful not to touch their eyes, nose or mouth when removing their cloth face covering. Use the ear-straps to remove The Nunabean T-Mask.
4. Masks should always be used in conjunction with regular hand washing and social distancing.
5. Nunabean T-Masks are not medical masks, but act as a preventative measure to minimise face-touching and spread of contaminated droplets in the general public space.
6. Cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under
age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cloth face covering without assistance.
"I protect you, you protect me". Wear a cloth face mask and save the medical/surgical/N95 masks for health care workers.