Tritonia is a corm. There are 28 species from tropical and southern Africa and they mostly occur in the Western Cape. They look great in a rockery or in the foreground of a mixed border.
Tritonia enjoys light, sandy, friable soil that is loose for good drainage. They are pot- friendly and should be planted at a depth of 4cm with an 8cm distance between the corms. We suggest that you provide a mulch after planting the corms which will protect them from frost and help them retain moisture.
If you wish to grow the plants for the following season, water the corms regularly in spring, winter and into early summer. The plant will survive summer and, provided the soil has high drainage, can be left in the ground. If the soil does not have high drainage, they can be lifted and stored. The lowest temperature this plant can tolerate is 0°C.
Both the seeds and cormlets are freely formed and can be propagated.
Plant from mid April to Mid June and expect flowers between September and October.
25 Bulbs per pack